
Forward is Forward

My fitness journey so far.

I was a little bit apprehensive posting about this as I think when people ask about your journey and you give the details of what you do they expect you to be a lot slimmer or a lot stronger , but if anything this is a reminder of not to judge anyone because you don’t know the steps they have taken to be where they are..

I was on Instagram and I saw an amazing before and after pic of a woman @wanderlust.sam but it wasn’t just her pics it was her spirit and her strength, so I googled more about the program “sweat with Kayla” and I decided to down load the app with the free trial. And after that it’s £14 a month.

Sweat with Kayla is a plan of 3 resistant work outs, legs, arms and full body and you have 2 sets of circuits which you complete In 28 mins .. there is a video guide and also a huge community of kick ass woman which support and lift eachother up. On the other days you complete a liss activity (run, walk , dance) and then one day of rest. The weeks are set into sets of 12 BBG 1, BBG2, BBG 3 and so on…

I started with the pre beginners at a weight of 135lbs, Little fitness, zero self love …

Along this journey I have cried, I have cursed a lot … and I’ve also done it . I have surprised myself at how I actually can . A big part of this is Aaron joined me after 12 weeks which has made this doable and somewhat enjoyable.

It’s been nearly a year since I was introduced to this workout and I am proud of my commitment to this program. I have lost 20lbs (at the time of this writing this may change with all the noodles I’m eating 🙂 I’m doing two dress sizes, I can do press ups and burpees but mainly I have self love , and that has changed my life. I treat myself as if I were my own best friend, I am not ugly to myself anymore and I no longer think I can’t !!

I still have so far to go, I want to run a half marathon, I want to be able to do a pull up, and I want to be able to carry my back pack this whole trip without bitching but that will come .. one thing I have learnt is forward is forward

I don’t want to post before photos as I don’t want to hate on that girl, I was still happy and I still had a good soul. So for now I will continue to update on ways to stay fit whilst traveling, things I enjoy and things I don’t ..

Mostly my message is you can … you really really can!

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